Monday, November 20, 2006

Not so fast, homeslice!

There's a few more "etc"s invited -- so far, you're the second one. There's also Valerie, who was going to be in Mathetai, but then went and got married instead. Sigh.

Also, if no one has yet, NathanandCarrie should get an invite. I'm pretty sure I don't have their current address. I think I've got Wes and Dax's addresses right, although they haven't responded yet. But folks should feel free to invite them, anyway. Let's just dogpile them! Ha!

BTW, Saint and Elliot (or, rather, the plot of earth where Saint and Elliot would be) is now a parking lot.

??? I know that campus was short on parking and all, but didn't they also need the dorms? Huh.

Also, Kyle -- dude, respond to a voicemail already. Sheesh.

[I apologize for all the italics. I'm just in that kind of mood. -- Dramatic, that is.]

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