Saturday, June 30, 2007

Hey everybody! Here's a long overdue post. Unfortunately, I'm blogging blindly, as my google account seems to think that I'm fluent in Chinese. So here's hoping that something goes right. As I have no children at this point, there will be no pictures of adorable creatures (I'll spare you the nieces and nephews--I have six now!).

I am currently recovering from a two week visit by my brother Nate, his wife, Faith, and their three little ones, Brennan (4), Ryan (2 1/2), and Kathryn (3 mo.). Wonderful and exhausting. I have a renewed respect for those of you out there with the courage to multiply. Parenting is a tough job! And boy do toddlers like to whine! They are packing up and/or selling all of their earthly belongings and moving to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, with hopes of starting a youth hostel.

It's a summer of saying good-bye as several friends and/or family are packing up and moving to various locations far, far away from me to do the work that God has called them to. I am very excited for the opportunities before them, but it's hard not to feel left behind sometimes. Especially when one is left in a place like St. Louis, where snorkels are needed to breathe in the summer air. Between all these partings and the death of a Honeyrock friend, I have begun to develop a new gratefulness for the hope that we have in heaven. How great is it that through Christ, we never really have to say good-bye! That alone is worth all the crap we have to go through down here sometimes.

Those of you who have had the joy of living with me will be astonished to know that as of two or three weeks ago, I have begun to wake up of my own volition (no alarm, no shaking, no shouting, no War of the Worlds:)) at 6:30 AM!!! And I am conversant! And I smile!! It is an absolute miracle and I don't exactly know how to take it all, quite frankly. But I'm thankful that I've stuck with my crazy doctor long enough to get to this point. Because it really does make life easier.

Last but not least, for those who care, I am reading Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis, amidst various and sundry kids books. If you're looking for a controversial kids book that is being banned in schools across the country for using the word scrotum (completely gratuitous, but mostly harmless and quite hilarious, really), read this year's Newberry award winner, The Power of Lucky. You might get a kick out of it.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Santiago de Compostela...! Looks like I'll be adding them to my list of distant acquaintances to visit in Europe. :) So glad you're sleeping/waking up well these days.