Monday, May 21, 2007

This is for all you coffee lovers. For an upcoming road trip I was thinking how nice it would be to have some bottles of Frappuccino to keep "the driver" awake. Any time I think about consuming (or providing) an expensive, commercially prepared comestible (and yes, that was the word that first came to mind), I immediately think: "Surely I could make that." So I googled a recipe over at Top Secret Recipes and came up with this. Doesn't that sound easy? The ninth comment, by "Pat," inspired me to use the unflavored gelatin in the back of my pantry instead of scrounging through the grocery store for the "right" kind of pectin (comment 8, Lori). So now we have . . . um, Frappuccino Pudding. Is anybody interested in the outcome of further culinary experiments on this particular comestible?
I don't like that I have two back-to-back posts. If this is the most exciting thing happening to any of us? How are the mighty fallen!

1 comment:

Neb said...

Mary, I really admire your prowess in the kitchen. Do you realize that there are those of us out there whose minds [unfortunately] work in exactly the opposite way? ie, wanting a food and thinking, where can I get that pre-made (or almost-pre-made) instead of starting from scratch? Bakery cake is better than cake mix is better than starting from flour- you get the idea.

Of course I have no objection to eating people's fantastic homemade creations, so if you ever have a baked goods surplus at your house, we'll give you our address...