Sunday, February 18, 2007

I suppose it is time for me to write something a bit more on this blog. So first, an update. Still living in Eugene, I am just finishing my 8th month of living in an apartment by myself. To my surprise I found that I love it, always having preferred books to people anyway. : ) I am in my fifth year of physics grad school now and there may actually be an end in sight--I would like to finish by December 07. By the way, I would like all of you to know that if I do make that deadline, I plan to buy a greyhound or amtrak pass and traverse the country visiting as many of you as possible. Maybe I will finally get to meet Suzan (whose picture is on my fridge along with Lucille Ann) and enjoy the Smoky Mountains with Hannah. (Oh yes, I did also want to say, Hannah, that that bag you posted on the blog was delightful. And some day I want to compare New Zealand pictures with you. I think New Zealand is my new image of the garden of Eden. No large predators. Only one poisonous creature and I never met it. Delightful birds. And breathtaking scenery.)

So besides working on my research (climate change--looking at trends in sunlight measurements in Oregon to examine changes in the atmosphere), I spend a lot of time with church stuff. I'm back at the church I grew up in--like going home. I just became the moderator, sort of a head deacon, and am now trying to figure out how to be responsible for church finances, visioning, insurance policies, and spiritual growth among other things. It is sort of an overwhelming and exciting place for me. I feel perhaps the first weight of adult responsibility that I have experienced, and my poor sleeping has been evidence of it. But I also feel a deep sense of belonging and awe which means the world to me. Some days I walk into church with a tenderness for the people I see there that almost makes me want to cry. I had no idea people were so precious. And I try not to take it personally when people complain to me about stuff like the time the service starts. Is that sort of what it feels like to be a parent? What a gift. There are a handful of people at that church who have become incredible mentors and teachers to me. Because of their guidance and encouragement I have tried preaching a sermon, teaching Sunday School, and started asking questions like Am I living the gospel? more frequently than I ask questions like Does God exist?

And finally, the pirate report. My most recent adventures on the high seas came over New Year's when Lisa and I planned a Pirate Party and invited family friends. It is hard to convey the sheer brilliance of the event, but it included some fabulous food, decorations, costumes, and activities. One of the activities was a pirate translation of Psalm 1, following for your enjoyment. (Pictures show the event coordinators Long John Laura and Cap'n Tar-Tar.)

'Palm' 1

1 Booty to the pirate! who does not consort with landlubbers or sail in the wake of Davy Jones or call for Parley.
2 But his eyes are filled with the gold of the treasure and over the treasure map he navigates day and night.
3 He is like a ship sailing on smooth waters, with prevailing winds and rich helpless victims everywhere he sails.
4 Aye, the scurvy-scalawags that break the pirate code! they be like the coconuts that blow in the Caribbean fierce hurricane gales.
5 Aye, those who do not lash themselves to the mast, surely will be washed overboard and those found unfit to fly the Pirate flag will be sentenced to swing at noon from the yardarm.
6 For the great CAP'N surely charts the course with fair winds and calm seas and great plunder. But to those traitors, they will be keelhauled and find themselves banished to Davy Jones' locker forever!

A 'Pirates with the Pens' Translation (PPT)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Laura!

...Sorry, but can anyone tell me how to get back in the system for posting my own updates, not just commenting on others'? Do I need to be re-invited?

Valerie said...

If you look under my entry from about a month ago, Peter was nice enough to explain step by step how to go about it as a comment. Look forward to another update Hannah!

Anonymous said...

The post Val mentioned is here. I think the instructions I gave there should still work, but keep your fingers crossed. Basically, you have to turn your Blogger account into a Google/Gmail account, either by creating a new Gmail account, or (if you already have a Gmail account) now using that username and password to get into Blogger.

I hope that helps; if that doesn't work, we'll try to reinvite you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Laura, keep up the good work. The translation was a pleasure to read.

Anonymous said...

I attempted to get a google/gmail login (since I don't remember the login I must have had before), but after I created it, I still had trouble getting into blogger. And the only option when I did was setting up my own blog (which I don't want to do)...not contributing entries to an existing blog. The original invitation had expired. Sorry to bother you about it, Peter!

How are you doing?