Sunday, December 31, 2006

Greetings, all!

New Year's Resolution: Gain 15-25 lbs by September.

Sounds like something I can handle.

The challenging part: consuming more vegetables and less coffee and getting more sleep, while taking Real Analysis II and Algebra II and TAing for Calculus II. And remembering that pretnatal vitamin everyday.

It's going to be a good New Year. :-)

Love, NEB


Valerie said...

Wait, are you making an announcement?

Neb said...

Oh. Yes! Yes I am!

Maybe my subtlety was TOO subtle. ;-)

Valerie said...


Neb said...

Thanks. :-)

Alysia said...

YES!!!! Awesome!!!

1) Are you going to let the doctor tell you the baby's sex?
2) If so, will you tell us?
3) Will you be coming up with a prenatal nickname (whether gender-appropriate or no) that I can then interpret into a stuffed animal? (Sorry, Val and Mary -- a fairly new obsession.)

Oh, and -- congratulations!

Neb said...

1) Why, yes! Yes I am! (Although we probably WON'T be buying a lot of baby stuff before the arrival... because we're probably MOVING OUT OF STATE on the baby's due date, or some such nonsense...)

2) Yes, of course. :-) We'll probably tell names ahead of time, too, if we can come up with some. How does everyone feel about Madeline? It's the only girl name we both like... having trouble with a boy name.

3) Baby's nickname is Galois. Galois was a great algebraist who came up with Galois Theory, The Most Beautiful Part of Mathematics known to (wo)mankind. And since my baby and I will be studying Galois Theory this semester, it seems appropriate. (When I thought I was pregnant in Nov, the fetus' nickname was going to be Cauchy, as I was deep in the heart of Real Analysis.)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Where are you studying and when are you due? I'm just catching up on the blog now...