Thursday, August 23, 2007

Well, awhile back Jordana tagged me... and I never responded, so now, I will try to pull this off while the baby is nursing propped on the boppy...

*8 Obscure Facts About Me*

1) I had 5 wisdom teeth. They all got removed when I was 16. My mouth is actually really, really small, so I now only have 24 teeth (the normal adult mouth has 32, including wisdom teeth.)

2) I have lived in 6 states, and visited about 38 (there are a few I'm not sure about.) But the only time I've been out of the US was a trip to Mexico in high school to do volunteer work.

3) Barbara Bush is my aunt. (She's a retired school teacher in Kentucky.)

4) My grandfather was the director of the state department of mental health in Georgia. He died in 1976, before I was born. My grandparents would have turned 100 this year if they were still alive. They met in France in WW II, in the army.

5) I didn't read much just for fun in high school, so when the Wheaton application asked for a list of "leisure reading" from the past couple of years, I systematically picked about 14 books that would prove I was "well-rounded"and read them just so I could list them. (The thick biography of Marie Curie, to prove I was interested in issues related to women in science, was rather... hefty.)

6) I know 180 digits of pi. I can recite the first 100 in ten seconds.

7) I have been in at least 7 car accidents that I can remember. Once, the other driver was 14. Once I was on a school bus. Three times my dad was driving. Once a Wheaton professor was driving. Twice I was driving- once the accident was sort of my fault, but not legally so, and the other time it was legally my fault, but I wasn't really to blame (ice). The first time involved 5 cars on I-10 in Houston in rush hour, and fire trucks, and ambulances, and helicopters. I have never been injured.

8) (You didn't really think I would make it through this list without mentioning The Wee One, did you?) I call my newborn daughter many typical things, like "little love" and "sweet pea" and "precious angel" and "sugar pie," etc etc, but one morning this week I realized I had this urge to call her Chicken. Why "chicken," I thought? I fought the urge off a few times and then gave in, and started calling her Chicken. Then I realized what her favorite pose reminds me of:

So maybe I'm not as weird as I think. ;-)

Love, NEB

PS I tag... all of you!

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