Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Plea for your Pennies

Hello, everyone! Time has gotten away from me again, and I forgot to post this earlier ...

Ahem ... OK, suffice it to say that I 1) Dislike fundraisers (too many years in band, selling chocolate/wrapping paper/more chocolate/popcorn/did I mention chocolate?); 2) Hate making pleas for money. However, I love my husband and he loves his job (which, I'll admit, is a good cause all by itself -- the Job, that is, although the loving of it is also a good thing) and here goes:

Michael (the husband) works for Deaf Video Communications of America, Inc. For those of you who don't like to follow links (Dan), it's in a nutshell a Christian nonprofit to assist the deaf. They provide video (DVD and VHS) sermons, Bible studies, closed-captioned Christian movies free of charge for the deaf community, which is an incredibly large relatively unreached people group in this country.

The Big Project lately is Dr. Wonder's Workshop, a weekly TV show for deaf kids (it's actually on air right now). It's pretty much the first of its kind (there have been other shows, but this is the first one that's actually managed more than two episodes. They're doing postproduction on season 2 right now.).

Anyhoodle, I've already mentioned that this is a nonprofit, right? And kids (the target demographic, obviously) don't have money. So an awful lot of the funds have to be raised, which leads me to

The Point

This Saturday (Oct. 20) is DVC's annual Bowlathon. I am participating. I am supposed to get pledges, either per-point or flat amount. I promise y'all, I am a Terrible Bowler (so a penny a point won't kill the piggy bank!). Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated. It should also be noted that a foundation (who wish to remain unnamed -- I don't even know who they are, Michael won't tell me) has promised a matching grant up to $25,000, which is awesome.

Just email me or leave a comment if you lost my email address ... and ... I guess that's all! Thanks, everyone! (And I promise that, when your kids are old enough, you can put me down for a case of the chocolate bars with almonds.)

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